“Highly adept, very professional, I definitely recommend Brittany’s expertise to anyone seeking counsel.”
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DUIs should not be taken lightly. There are certain legal grounds a lawyer may rely on to defend a DUI charge against you. A charge of Driving Under the Influence can be a complicated matter. If you have been charged with a DUI, contact a skilled criminal defense attorney to protect your legal rights.
Crimes are usually categorized as felonies or misdemeanors based on their nature and the maximum punishment that can be imposed. A felony involves serious misconduct that is punishable by death or by imprisonment for more than one year. Most state criminal laws subdivide felonies into different classes with varying degrees of punishment. Crimes that do not amount to felonies are misdemeanors or violations. A misdemeanor is misconduct for which the law prescribes punishment of no more than one year in prison.
If you have been injured in an accident, then an attorney can help you negotiate your accident injury claim and get you results. If you have been injured due to someone else’s fault, then you are entitled to compensation. You can recover your medical bills and lost wages and for costs that you may incur in the future due to your injuries. You can also recover damages for the pain and suffering resulting from your accident.
In order to file for divorce, grounds for divorce must be established. A divorce may either be contested or uncontested, but a divorce is rarely ever truly uncontested. If the parties to the divorce cannot agree or compromise on every issue, whether it be a parenting plan, division of property, or alimony, then the divorce is contested.
We can help! Licensed in the State of Tennessee since 2012.Call Now! (615) 844-6195